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Products > Pedagogy > Life Path: Wooden Path with round logs

Life Path: Wooden Path with round logs

Life Path: Wooden Path with round logs

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Order number: 11.50404

Richter Spielgeräte


Play Value

The stations, based on real-life situations, invite you to try them out and exercise. Alongside agility, stamina is also trained in this circuit course. The path is set up so that not all the obstacles need to be overcome and so that an accompanying person can give best possible help. Handrails on both sides at every station additionally ensure the highest safety.

Recommended For

  • schoolchildren
  • young people
  • adults
  • older people
  • public play areas without supervision, such as playgrounds, parks or similar

Price Enquiry

Life Path: Wooden Path with round logs - Order No: 11.50404

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